Hi! I'm Haruo from the Esperanto Wikipedia. I'd like to participate in syllabic Wikipedias (both Inuktitut and Nehiyaw/Cree), but I do not know what fonts to use or where to get them (or how to post without them if there are ways around the difficulty). I'm also potentially interested in helping start Wikipedias for Chinuk Wawa (or regional language around Seattle) and Lushootseed (our local language). BTW dzidzelalic is from the Lushootseed for Seattle; I use it mainly in North American Indigenous-language online contexts. My actual legal handle is Leland Bryant Ross, and I go by Ros' Haruo in Esperanto and Japanese, and often use that in other online applications as well. I'm very sorry that none of this is in Inuktitut.
External Link
ᓱᖁᓯᖅᐹ ᐃᓚPromeni la glacion is my Esperanto translation of Mildred Downey Broxon's Walk the Ice, an Inuit-themed science fiction story
--Dzidzelalic 7 July 2005 09:01 (UTC)